About us Fools

Who is mroehricht91?

Hey there! I’m Toolfool Max from the wonderful south of Berlin. I currently attend Berlin School of Economics and Law where I’m part of the Business Administration program. While trying to build up my web-presence, I’m involved in two webblogs. Before I joined the toolfools group I’d posted a couple entries on my first blog which you are welcome to check out under the following link.

I’m very interested in different applications and tools which accelerate or facilitate business processes. I believe that we should take advantage of all the great features and things, the modern technology offers. Getting in touch with different programs and applications helped me personally and made me adopt the resolution of sharing these benefits with everyone in the world.Since this group perfectly fits to my views, I’ve proudly dedicated myself to the Toolfools group!Please feel free to comment on my posts as well as to contact me if my entries have aroused your attention and there is something you would like to know more of!

Who is LeopoldSchmidt?

Hail to all the toolfools out there! I write under the name Leopold Schmidt. Like Max I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Berlin and I´m also attend to the HWR (Berlin School of Economics and Law).

I ‘am focused my blogs on one of the bigger Tools in this era… “The internet”. I Hope I can share as much knowledge, which I gain or think to gain about this fantastic and even a little bit magic Tool with you and all its possibilities that’s holds for all of us.
As Max I would love to read commons from you, to hopefully improve my writing style and technique. So please leave a common behind. Thank you.

Who is Gaby Gomez?

Hey guys, I´m the girl that comes from really far away. I´m from a nice hot country that has no idea why she is here right now, well actually I know, I´m studying right now Business Adminstration in the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR).

This blog is about applications and smartphones at the workplace.. Explainig how they related to each other, and wich benefits and dangers they could bring with them.

I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and have fun like I do while I´m writing them.

To help improving my writing skills, please do not hesitate in leaving any comment, I will enormously appreciate it.


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